Abhilash Lakshman, Ph.D.

Postdoctoral Research Associate. CUNY Advanced Science Research Center.


“Why this absurd concern with clocks, my friend?” - Walter de la Mare

I am currently on the faculty job market and the broader goals of my group will be to understand the role of brain-wide heterogeneity in keeping us on an accurate 24-h schedule.

Almost every organism on the planet exhibits rhythms in physiology, behavior, and metabolism on a 24-h basis. These rhythms are driven by networks in the brain that are called circadian clocks. Importantly, these clocks have a speed that is slightly different from 24-h. Therefore, our brains must sense cues in the environment and reset our clocks to an exactly 24-h schedule every day - a process called entrainment - a first rate biological problem.

One of the most common manifestations of circadian clock regulated behaviors is something all of us experience - the daily rhythms in sleep and wakefulness. Most of us are familiar with the physical discomfort and mental disarray that accompanies mistimed sleep. Naturally, one can imagine the importance in understanding mechanisms in the brain that sense and adjust to a 24-h day.

My research uses behavioral methods, mathematical models, and simple yet powerful computational and statistical tools to understand mechanisms underlying appropriate timing of sleep. See my projects page for more details on my research and the bigger questions I am interested in asking.


Dec 11, 2023 Our recent paper on mathematically modeling Drosophila sleep was covered by the ASRC news. Read about it here.
Dec 10, 2023 I’m looking to join a vibrant biology department as an Assistant Professor. My group will be interested in the behavioral neuroscience of biological timekeeping in fruit flies.
Dec 6, 2023 The Neuroscience Initiative is hosting a commuity science night! :woman_scientist: :man_scientist: :smile:

selected publications

  1. physent.jpeg
    On the relevance of using laboratory selection to study the adaptive value of circadian clocks
    Lakshman Abhilash, and Vijay K Sharma
    Physiological Entomology, 2016
  2. JBR_logo.png
    RhythmicAlly: your R and shiny–based open-source ally for the analysis of biological rhythms
    Lakshman Abhilash, and Vasu Sheeba
    Journal of biological rhythms, 2019
  3. rspb.svg
    Parametric effects of light acting via multiple photoreceptors contribute to circadian entrainment in Drosophila melanogaster
    Lakshman Abhilash, and Orie Thomas Shafer
    Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 2023
  4. sleep.png.webp
    A two-process model of Drosophila sleep reveals an inter-dependence between circadian clock speed and the rate of sleep pressure decay
    Lakshman Abhilash, and Orie Thomas Shafer
    Sleep, 2023
  5. eLife.png
    Homeostatic control of deep sleep and molecular correlates of sleep pressure in Drosophila
    Budhaditya Chowdhury, Lakshman Abhilash, Antonio Ortega, and 2 more authors
    eLife, 2023